Want a Better Life? Write More Down.

I almost didn’t write this article. The idea came to me while I was walking my dog, but I didn’t write it down. It could have been gone forever. Fortunately, though, I remembered it later when I was showering — and I made a point to write the idea down as soon as I got out.

Wondering what the critical path to efficient work habits is? 

Write things down. 

Write down key points and actions that are covered in meetings. Write down what people say is important to them. When you schedule the next meeting, write in the meeting detail what was previously discussed and what should be covered next. Write down all follow-up items so you never drop a ball. When you get good ideas from books, podcasts, feeds, or from the shower, write down a summary of the idea and share it with others, or keep track of it in a “Good Ideas for Later” file.

Want to know one of the secrets to a strong relationship? 

Write things down. 

Write down what you hear the other person say about what matters to them. Write down details about them that you want to remember — their birthday, their favorite sports team, their struggles and life goals. If you don’t connect often, write down the date of your last connection so you can remind yourself not to go too long. Write down reminders for yourself to pray for them, check in with them, and do thoughtful things for them.

blank notebooks with a pencil and cup of coffee with creamer

Stress-Free Productivity

Stress and productivity expert David Allen says that writing things down is essential to practicing healthy habits. He explains that your mind should be “like water”: “a mental and emotional state in which your head is clear, able to create and respond freely, unencumbered with distractions and split focus.” Core to his methodology is the “mind sweep,” which is the practice of capturing everything that’s grabbing your attention and writing it down.

I use the Notes app on my iPhone. I have a note for all the ideas I’ve had for this series of articles. I have a note for all my personal to-dos. I have a note for topics I’m following. I have a note listing all of my relationships and needs or struggles that people have expressed. I have a list of movies to watch, recipes, trips to take, books to read, workouts I like, great quotes, and mantras I want to live by.

I also use Microsoft Outlook to write down work items needing my attention, ideas to pursue, and times on the calendar when I’ll focus on them. 

Everything I’ve written down gets reviewed, curated, and prioritized regularly. What’s missing? What should come off the list? What isn’t specific enough for me to take action? What deserves my attention first? 

Through this practice, I’ve learned that one of the most essential keys to life is writing things down (and regularly referring to them). It will make you more considerate of others, more self-disciplined, more focused, less stressed, and more productive. 

Everything that matters, write it down. Write it down in a place and in a way that will be visible, protected, and understood. Write it down and refer to it regularly to help you become the best version of yourself.

What do you need to write down right now?



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About Matt

Matt Norman is president of Norman & Associates, which offers Dale Carnegie Training in the North Central US. Dale Carnegie Training is a global organization ...READ MORE