How You Stay Focused on What Matters Most

Recently, I wrote about the value of mantras and shared a few of the mantras that help me stay focused on what matters most. After that post went live, a number of you shared your mantras with me — and they were too good not to share with the world.

Consider taking a breath right now, relaxing your body, and allowing these words to clear and focus your mind as they have for others. Find the ones that speak to you personally. Perhaps you’ll want to copy and paste them into your phone or print them out to have them top of mind when you need them. Add or modify with your own words and read them regularly.

Because it’s all too easy to forget who we are and what’s most important.

stay focused

Words to Live By

In our (legendary) high school wrestling room “Attitude. There is no substitute.” was written in big letters on the wall and every step up to the wrestling room said “Attitude.” When we came together as a team and broke, we all yelled “Attitude!”

Always be humble and gentle. Patiently put up with each other and love each other. Try your best to let God’s spirit keep your hearts united. Do this by living in peace. – Ephesians 4:2-3 

Do/Act/Perform as an expression of your value rather than out of an attempt to prove your value.

I have a post it in my wallet that I read all the time that says: 

What story are you choosing to tell right now?
You do belong and you do matter.

Be Open to Possibilities (when I’m feeling stuck)
Just Keep Going (something I think my 99-year-old grandmother would say as she walked every day until she couldn’t)
Let’s Make Something! (something my 102-year-old grandmother instilled in me with her many creative talents)

I am strong, and I can do hard things. 

Lead with Integrity
Add Value
Empower Growth
Show the Love of Jesus
Bring His Joy

And my main catchphrase at work: Go Team!

Words have power, choose carefully.
I know who I am.
Knowledge is the key to opportunity.

Focus on the necessary/essential.
You are loved and special.
Happiness is largely in your head.

Thank you to those who sent these, for your vulnerability and inspiration.

What will be your mantra?

Let’s each pick one or a few of them or come up with our own.

Amid all the distractions, stresses, difficulties, and opportunities, one day at a time, we can stay focused on what matters most.



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About Matt

Matt Norman is president of Norman & Associates, which offers Dale Carnegie Training in the North Central US. Dale Carnegie Training is a global organization ...READ MORE