Browsing category Influence

4 Keys to Compelling Storytelling

It was during my second job when I realized I didn’t communicate as well as my dad. Unlike my dad and his dad, who were both successful in sales, I was a software developer. I could sit for hours in front of a computer wearing headphones, intently creating something with my mind and fingers on

So You Want to Be a Trusted Advisor?

How would you describe your dream client relationship? I’m fortunate to have one right now, so I know exactly what it looks like for me: The client and I genuinely ask how the other is doing—because we care. We open up to each other about work goals and challenges. He invites me into his planning

7 Principles for Leading When It’s Hard

I was confidently rolling through my day when I got an email intended for someone else. It was a strongly worded message criticizing my leadership, sent by a colleague who felt they’d been poorly treated. Seeing that felt like a punch in the stomach. And the discussion that followed was really hard. But, like many

When to Tell and When to Sell

Your customers have an education dilemma. On the one hand, they can easily learn (via internet and social networks) about what they want, how much it costs and where they should get it. On the other hand, they often don’t know what they haven’t thought to ask. A trend in selling over the past five

How To Act Like a Great CEO

Last week we discovered a pool of water sitting on our basement carpet. From the ceiling above, broken drywall fell in clumps. A complete mystery lurked behind that drywall. I thought the water was seepage from rainwater through the foundation. My wife thought it was coming from a leaking pipe. Others thought it was due

How Role Models Can Change the World

Last Friday, my dear grandmother passed away. She modeled a life of grace, strength, and love for everyone who knew her. As a tribute to her leadership, I invite you to read the following post which was originally published just over two years ago… We all have role models, people who show us the way,


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About Matt

Matt Norman is president of Norman & Associates, which offers Dale Carnegie Training in the North Central US. Dale Carnegie Training is a global organization ...READ MORE