Browsing tag: anxiety

How Leaders Live Their Values

A friend of mine, John March, caught up with me recently to pick my brain about the connection between leadership and values. The topic, which is personal for both of us, led to interesting insights and self-awareness. I’ve captured a bit of our discussion below to share with you in the hopes that his questions

Dealing with Dangerous Words

My nerves have been frayed. Not sleeping soundly. My breathing has been shallow and my body has felt unsettled. In moments of calm, I search my iPhone for an email, a text, a photo, a song, I don’t know what. Anx-i-e-ty: a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease, typically about an imminent event or something

Stop Being So Controlling

I’m a control freak. See, I have this picture in my mind about my business, my kids, my wife, my health and my comfort. You want to see me anxious or angry? Mess with those pictures. Here’s an example. Last week my wife and I were up late creating a game plan to address some


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About Matt

Matt Norman is president of Norman & Associates, which offers Dale Carnegie Training in the North Central US. Dale Carnegie Training is a global organization ...READ MORE